
Retail &
E-commerce: tailored payment solutions

A full range of solutions to grow your business: card issuance, alternative methods, recurring payment management, and much more.
Offer an alternative to card payments with SEPA direct debit.

Your customers deserve a tailored payment solution

Complementary payment methods to credit cards help minimise friction and boost online payment acceptance. Additionally, you can reduce costs by avoiding interchange fees.
  • Direct debit: For recurring or occasional purchases.
  • Classic or instant bank transfer, by payment initiation: for high-value orders.
  • Payment link with a virtual IBAN: If another payment method fails, you’ll have a reliable backup. Plus, the virtual IBAN enhances traceability and simplifies reconciliation.

New solutions to optimize the management of unpaid invoices

Did you not receive a customer payment? Use adjustable reminders to retry payments with a method suited to your customer.
  • Get real-time notifications for each unpaid invoice.
  • Retry payments using the appropriate methods.
  • Track payment status with virtual IBANs.
With APIs, receive real-time alerts for failed SEPA direct debits and set up automatic reminders and retries.

Simplified and instant refunds

A refund process as smooth and instant as card payments:
  • Collect the IBAN’ source during a bank transfer payment.
  • Instant refund through Instant Payment.
  • Or issue a virtual card for a gift card, loyalty voucher, etc.

Flexible and comprehensive payment management for marketplaces

Grow your business without compromise with our dedicated solution:
  • Fast onboarding of a wide range of merchant partners.
  • Seamless payment processing, while keeping your existing PSP.
  • Real-time payment tracking and instant reconciliation.
  • Flexible fund distribution, tailored to your needs.

Enhance your services with branded VISA payment cards

Strengthen your customer relationships with a payment card linked to your loyalty program: physical cards, virtual cards, and compatible with Xpay.

Maximized engagement and retention

Increased customer touchpoints

Enhanced customer insights

Personalization of offers through payment data

Unified customer journey

Managing a loyalty program through to payment

Create the card best suited to your project

  • Thank your customers for their loyalty: convert loyalty points into €, and offer cash-back.
  • Customise usage rules: control spending limits, acceptance network, etc…
  • Enjoy a fast and intuitive card creation interface.
Fully customisable card via API: set up cashback, configure spending limits, enable or disable Xpay, and allow the end user to choose or change their PIN.

Want to know more?

Discover how Xpollens can integrate into your projects.